The Inner Voice
Essential for purposeful living
As name of the organization is not for name sake. Happiness ought to be the prime factor in mind, while undertaking any action, at least this is professed and attempted to practice. And the origin of Happiness lies in consciousness both Happiness and consciousness are directly proportion top increase consciousness of soul, awareness of mind is focused upon, and that is dependent on alertness of body.
In order to achieve and continuously experience this higher aim of life, there is no employer, employee relationship in Mission Happiness. All members are treated not as “Karam charees” rather as “Karam-Pranees”. The purpose is to lift the emotional and intellectual quotients, so that ultimately, spiritual quotient is raised the highest possible level. No tension but full attention.
Divine campus souls (members). When they return to their homes in the evening, are not burdened with any kind of strain or stress of pending assignments. No one is asked or allowed to carry home any official task.
Instead of saying Hello, on telephonic conversations God Bless You and Jai Mata Di like Divine prayers are spoken so that wave length of higher consciousness, raise the levels of personal equation.
Neatness and orderliness is the most important watchword, whether in campus or in personal belongings. Since Godliness depends upon neatness and orderliness.